Galleries 画廊

Light Painting Album

The Art of Light Painting Photography

Hello, I am Jinliang Sui。 My friends call me ‘Lao Sui’. I am the photographer, the designer and the producer of this website.

As a lifelong freelance photographer and passionate photography enthusiast, I’ve been taking pictures for over half a century, if counting all the way back to my teenage years when I was completely absorbed by the magic powers of mechanical cameras at that time. In the area of digital photography today, I became more interested in abstract photography at the beginning of the 21st century. My recent focus in photography has been mostly on creating photographic works with classic styles such as impressionism and abstract expressionism.

Light painting photography is fascinating. New digital photography techniques have been enabling light painting with growing capacity and technical options in producing high-impact and expressive light painting works, expanding the horizon of light painting photography significantly. It has been emerging as a new and vibrant form of visual art. Technically, light painting photography enables photographers to create images with objects and lights as their ‘painting’ tools, just like classic artists painting on canvas with colors and brushes, while the images are being taken with film cameras or digital cameras. Images created with light painting photography can be creative, abstract, expressive, or impressionistic, and can bring strong visual impact. I started exploring various methods and the expressive power of light painting photography over 15 years ago. Now I am completely in love with it. Light painting photography has almost unlimited creative power and it has become my best way for producing creative art photos.

Please feel free to contact me at if you are interested in any of my light painting photo works.


大家好,我是隋金良,朋友们叫我老隋。 我是本网站的摄影师, 网站设计人和制作人。

作为一名终身的自由摄影师和超级热情的摄影爱好者,如果从对当时相机完全着魔的青少年时期的我算起,我已经拍摄了半个多世纪的照片。 随着数字摄影技术的发展,我从21世纪初开始对抽象摄影照片感兴趣。 近来逐渐转入以创作经典印象派和抽象表现主义为主要艺术形式的摄影作品为主。

光绘摄影令人着迷。新的数码摄影技术使光绘在制作高冲击力和表现力的光绘作品方面具有越来越大的能力和技术选择,极大地扩展了光绘摄影的视野。它已经成为一种新的、充满活力的视觉艺术形式。从技术上讲,光绘摄影使摄影师能够以物体和灯光作为他们的“绘画”工具来创建图像,就像经典艺术家用颜色和画笔在画布上绘画一样,而图像是用胶卷相机或数码相机拍摄的。用光绘摄影创作的图像可以是创意的、抽象的、表现力的或印象派的,可以带来强烈的视觉冲击力。 15 年前,我开始探索光绘摄影的各种方法和表现力。现在我完全爱上了它。光绘摄影几乎拥有无限的创作力,它已成为我制作创意艺术照片的最佳方式。

如果您对我的任何光绘照片作品感兴趣,请随时通过 与我联系。